Klantverhaal van Huub Sleegers | Directeur van Sleegers Technique
“A long-standing cooperation"
Sleegers Technique has been working with NCore since 1998. During this time the technology behind the internet and mobile phones has changed a great deal. NCore has guided Sleegers Technique from the beginning by providing all necessary IT solutions

Huub Sleegers: “We have been working with NCore for over 20 years. We have gone through quite some changes from the beginning until now. From the outset, they have helped us with all IT matters and they continue to do so – after all those years. NCore knows our company inside out and understands our requirements and needs. They always inform us of new opportunities. They are very transparent and straightforward about what will and will not work for our company.”
Plenty of IT work “Within our work area we are specialized in building all kinds of customized machines. This work includes many disciplines, so there is plenty of IT work to do. NCore handles all IT matters for us. Each month maintenance is carried out. If any problems or malfunctions are found, they are rectified immediately."
Straightforward, transparent and reliable Huub: “IT is not just about business, it's important to trust each other. You give someone access to all data, passwords and important information, so you want to make sure that they are handled safely. NCore has a team of reliable people who I entrust our data to. They are straightforward, transparent and reliable.”
“IT is not just about business, it's important to trust each other."
A deal is a deal “In addition, I think it's important to comply with the agreements made. A deal is a deal. NCore feels the same. After years of working together, we know exactly what to expect from each other. It's a nice, reliable and flexible team to work with, they give their input and advice and tell the truth. They have a personal approach and short lines of communication. We look forward to what IT will bring us in the future."